Wednesday 23 November 2011

The Biggest Lie

Christmas, I love it.  Putting up the Christmas Tree, hanging out some lights, shopping, food and seeing the joy on people's faces,  I am Catholic, so I also embrace the birth of Jesus.

Children, especially my children, are excited, what will Santa bring, how many things can I put on my Christmas List.  And the endless questions,  how does Santa travel to all the houses, will any of the reindeer be coming to Australia or is it just the Boomers?  What happens to all the elves when Santa goes?, and my favourite, how can Santa possibly eat all of the cookies and milk left out for him?

Lately I have gotten some more pressing questions.  Questions that I don't know how to answer correctly.  My 6 year old came in to me and asked, why can't Santa bring food to all the kids that are in Africa?  Doesn't he go to Africa, what about all the people who don't believe in God, will they still have Christmas?  These questions would be easy to answer if I had never lied in the first place.  My 9year old keeps asking why are we only  aloud to have one expensive toy on our list?  I have been good all year, it shouldn't matter what it costs if the elves make it.

Yes that big lie most of us tell our Children.  SANTA.  The big guy in the red suit, that flies around the world giving presents to all the good girls and boys, and coal to the naughty ones.  The story we all tell our children in the month before the big day to stop our children from driving us completely bonkers.  Yes we, as adults know it is a big fat lie.  Yes as adults and parents we tell our children never to lie, it is bad, wrong, naughty.
But we as their parents are telling them a doozie of a lie for as many years as we can possible drag it out.   Why?  Why do we condone the lies our kids tell us , but think it is OK to tell one ourselves.

I know why I do it.  I love Christmas and Santa, I love having some sort of control over them when they are being horribly  naughty. I love the surprise they get when on Christmas Eve, new PJ's magically appear on their beds.  I love the looks on their faces when they wake Christmas morning to their stockings on the end of their bed, I love the look on their faces when they see under the Christmas tree is lots of presents.  The joy of knowing that even if they made some bad choices in the year, Santa came through with a stash of goodies.

But, like all lies, you get found out.  I am currently debating on when to tell my 9yr old.  I don't want him coming home from school asking me if Santa is true, because one of the kids in his class told him.  I want to tell him myself.  Oh I have researched the subject, I have my speech ready.  I just can't do it.  I want to still give him that feeling of joy on Christmas morning.

 I don't remember being told Santa was not real. I have no ill feeling towards my Mum for telling me she lied. So when will be the day I tell my children, I don't know

Or maybe I don't want to admit I lied